This Handsome Little Dude’s Name is Brandon!

This is my avatar!

In my opinion, he’s the cutest little guy and perfectly fits me. I have brownish, black hair and that’s the best I could get. I also have light brown eyes that change to dark green every once in a while, but I chose light brown because they don’t change color that much. I always try to smile, and I used my clothes to show my two favorite colors, lime green and bright red. I’m also kind of pale when it comes to skin tone, but anyways, that’s about it for my DoppleMe/Edu blogs avatar.

2 thoughts on “This Handsome Little Dude’s Name is Brandon!

  • October 16, 2017 at 4:00 pm

    Hello, Brandon. Your avatar is fabulous & your voice really comes through in your description! Just make sure to go back and add the full link to the Doppel Me site. Great work!

  • October 24, 2017 at 1:29 pm

    My name is Mr. Geiman and I will be your blogging mentor during the Blog Challenge. I really like your avatar you created. I also like how you described how your avatar reflects you. If you get a chance check out my student’s blog pages. they would love if you left them a comment. I will be checking in throughout the challenge. Remember to comment on other students posts and add a link to a post that you have written. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing you grow with blogging.

    Happy Blogging,


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